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Balcony View

a great way to book


Discover a new level of luxury travel with our exclusive services.

Hotel and Cruise booking icon for simple bookings


Planner for those who want a little more help booking a curated trip.


Luxury travel services for those who want concierge service.


Book a trip (hotel or cruise) so you get access to our exclusive travel perks.   

Fee: $0

Book a trip plus help you
plan and book engaging experiences and excursions.

Fee: $100 and up

A seamless experience
where every travel detail is
handled from start to finish.

Fee: $300 and up

A Travel Advisor offers 3 different service packages.


Here is what you can expect when you work with me 



Our initial consultation focuses on learning about your travel wants and likes. I listen to your vision and then share options on how I can help.



I use the insight you shared to find great fits. I will then email you a clear and detailed proposal filled with options that suit your needs. 



After you approve a proposal, I collect your payment details in Fora's secure portal to handle all your reservations. Once complete, you will get a detailed itinerary with all confirmations.



Before your trip, I will verify and confirm all your travel arrangements. Less planning for you means more time to have fun on your next adventure!

Hear from Clients

Amanda was fantastic in planning our two-night stay in London! She found us a perfect hotel, balanced cultural activities with time for exploring, and recommended cozy restaurants that were exactly what we wanted. She was responsive, knowledgeable, and efficient, providing great options to choose from and making the whole process seamless. We thoroughly enjoyed working with her and highly recommend her services!

Laura C.

Booked travel to London, UK

November 2024

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